Frequently asked questions

Yes, we are looking for new students and postdocs to join our lab. If you wish to apply, we recommend that you read through the documents on our Join Us page to learn more about our research, resources, open science practices, lab culture, mentoring model, application process, and funding. PhD students are guaranteed 5 years of funding, tuition, and benefits from NYU. However, undergraduate positions do not normally come with funding. If we secure funding for such positions, we will post them on our lab social media account . Postdocs normally secure their funding through grants.
Our lab only accepts one Honors or Masters thesis student per year. We usually accept thesis students who have already worked in the lab for at least one year and established themselves as top-notch research assistants who demonstrate an in-depth understanding of our research. To secure a position, they must not only obtain the level of excellence for admission to the honors program (see guidelines here ) or Masters program, but they must arrange for a PhD student or postdoc mentor within the lab who will work closely with them on a project following-up on prior research in the lab.
We do not have the resources to supervise high school students at the moment. However, please feel free to apply for positions once you have started an undergraduate degree.
If you would like to request a reference letter, please read through these guidelines . The best letters are for students who have worked in the lab and/or taken multiple courses with Jay. It’s not normally in your best interest to obtain a letter if you have not worked closely since those are often very short letters.
We will host an open virtual lab meeting every fall for prospective graduate students to get a sense of our lab community and see what we typically do during a weekly lab meeting. If you would like to attend, please fill out this form and we will reach out to you with more information closer to the date of the meeting.
