Selected Videos

(View all videos on Jay's YouTube channel)

Jay Van Bavel discusses conspiracy theories and misinformation with MSNBC.

Jay Van Bavel discusses COVID-19 and the mentality of mask wearing with CTV News

Jay Van Bavel's TEDx talk, "The dangers of the partisan brain"

Jay Van Bavel's TED-Ed video, "Do politics make us irrational?"

Jay Van Bavel interviewed by Vox about moral outrage

Jay Van Bavel at the 2019 World Science Festival discussing "The Roots of Extremism in Your Brain"

Jay Van Bavel on "Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman"


The World (Oct. 2020). “Leadership in a pandemic”

NPR Hidden Brain (Oct. 2019). “Screaming into the void: How outrage is hijacking our culture, and our minds”

Circle of Willis (Apr. 2018). “Interview with Jim Coan”

Bloomberg News (Mar. 2018). “Why the human brain loves to be lied to”

WNYC / NPR (July 2017). “Is there a liberal slant to social science research?”

WNYC / NPR (Jan. 2017). “Groupthink at the inauguration?”

Wall Street Journal Podcast (Feb. 2017). “How to combat bias in hiring”


Scientific American (Nov. 2020). “Researchers' Politics Don't Undermine Their Scientific Results” by Diego Reinero & Jay Van Bavel

Nature Research Social and Behavioural Sciences (Mar. 2020). “Cooperative science in a time of crisis” by Jay Van Bavel & Robb Willer

Washington Post (Mar. 2020). “In a pandemic, political polarization could kill people” by Jay Van Bavel

BBC World News (Feb. 2020). “Crossing divides: Why 'cartooning' political opponents is bad for us” by Dominic Packer & Jay Van Bavel

Scientific American (Aug. 2019). “Why moral emotions go viral online” by Ana Gantman, William Brady, & Jay Van Bavel

Scientific American (May 2019). “Rethinking the infamous Stanford prison experiment” by Jay Van Bavel, S. Alexander Haslam, & Stephen Reicher

Prospect (Mar. 2019) “How the Stanford prison experiment gave us the wrong idea about evil” by Stephen Reicher, Alex Haslam & Jay Van Bavel

Scientific American (Nov. 2018). “How political opinions change” by Philip Pärnamets & Jay Van Bavel

In-Mind Magazine (June 2018). “Doing ill for ‘the greater good’: Understanding what really went on in the Stanford Prison Experiment” by Alex Haslam, Stephen Reicher & Jay Van Bavel

The Psychologist (June 2018). “Time to change the story: New evidence from the Zimbardo archives challenges everything you have taught (or been taught) about the Stanford Prison Experiment” by Stephen Reicher, Alex Haslam & Jay Van Bavel

CREST Review (Spring 2018). "The partisan brain: Why people are attracted to fake news and what to do about it" by Andrea Pereira & Jay Van Bavel

The New York Times (July 2017). “Twitter's passion politics” by Jay Van Bavel & William Brady

The Wall Street Journal (Feb. 2017). “Seven steps to reduce bias in hiring” by Jay Van Bavel & Tessa West

Harvard Business Review (Dec. 2016). “The problem with rewarding individual performers” by Jay Van Bavel & Dominic Packer

The New York Times (Dec. 2016). “The roots of implicit bias” by Daniel Yudkin & Jay Van Bavel

Quartz (Nov. 2016). “Some men’s testosterone levels are plummeting thanks to the results of the US election” by Jay Van Bavel

Quartz (Oct. 2016). “Rose colored glasses: The psychology of insiders and outsiders can explain why we have such a hard time agreeing on reality” by Jay Van Bavel

The New York Times (May 2016). “Why do so many studies fail to replicate?” by Jay Van Bavel

Scientific American (June 2015). “The flexibility of racial bias” by Mina Cikara & Jay Van Bavel

The Washington Post (Aug. 2014). “Schadenfreude in Gaza?” by Jay Van Bavel & Mina Cikara

The New York Times (April 2014). “Is that Jesus in your toast?” by Ana Gantman & Jay Van Bavel

Scientific American (Nov. 2013). “The dark side of power posing: cape or kryptonite” by Jay Van Bavel

Scientific American (Sept. 2013). “The seductive allure of neuroscience and the science of persuasion” by Jay Van Bavel & Dominic Packer